If you want to fix your relationship, then you need to ask
the right questions. Relationship repair can be tricky in the best of times,
which is why you need to know the right questions, relationship questions, to
get the information you need to repair what has been broken.
This is not necessarily an easy thing to do. You may not
want to ask these questions whether you have relationship problems or not. This
is because the natural human reaction to things is to try and avoid the problem
as much as possible.
But relationship problems will not fix themselves. You need to
make the effort to fix them and not wait for your ex to magically come around.
You are the one who has realized there is a problem, and this means that you
have to be the one to do the work to fix it. Whether you like it or not, it's
become your responsibility.
Which brings us to the questions. Relationship questions are
not easy to ask, but the answers will be worthwhile. This is the information
you need to do the work that will bring you back to having a healthy
relationship with your girlfriend or boyfriend, husband or wife.
Question One: What Do You Want?
This is a question you need to ask yourself and your
significant other. You need to ask yourself this because you need to be able to
know and articulate what it is you want from your relationship. You need to ask
them so that you know that the things you want from the relationship are, if
not the same, then at least compatible.
Question Two: What Were Our Best Times?
This is another question designed to get you looking at how
the two of you view your relationship. If you both view different times in your
relationship as the best times, this will give you a very strong indication of
where things went wrong, which is the point of these questions. Your relationship
is based on knowing what these questions will tell you.
Question Three: What Don't You Like?
Again, this is a question both of you need to ask. This is
an area where it is crucial that you don't assign blame or allow your emotions
to be hurt. You need to take a full inventory of where you stand and knowing
what it bothering both of you is essential.
Question Four: Where are we Heading?
The point of this is question is to see where you both think
the relationship should go and where it will go. Without knowing this, you
won't know how bad the relationship is. If your partner thinks that the
relationship is doomed to failure, this is information you need to know.
The point of doing all this is to find the true answers to
these questions. Relationship rescue will be much easier when you have this
information, because it will give a roadmap of the problems you need to resolve
to have a stronger relationship. This is only the beginning, and you should
seek out and find the information that will allow you to overcome these
If you want to know how to save your relationship this course is fantastic. Click here if you want to save your relationship -----> http://tiny.cc/wsbobw
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